Lyft, the rideshare service, has grown on social media through a ton of User Generated content! I've worked with Lyft on over 20 different videos, through 5 different campaigns.

Bus2Alps Travel Agency
While I was studying abroad in Italy, BUS2alps, reached out to me to create travel content! Flying me out to Switzerland, I captured everything from paragliding to kayaking on the crystal clear lakes. One of the most memorable moments of my career.

Crocs Partnership
The footwear brand crocs, tasked me to create videos to showcase their shoes in an organic and fun way. Here's what I came up with.

One of the most fun products I've ever been able to create content for. Seriously. They shipped me one while I was studying abroad in Italy, to create some content!

Amazon Prime Student
As a College Student at NYU, I was asked to create a series of videos highlighting Amazon Prime's Student Benefits. This included partnerships with Grubhub, LinkedIn, Calm, and of course, Amazon.

Macy's Wine Shop
Macy's (yes the retail store) launched a separate entity known as Macy's Wine Shop! Utilizing micro-influencers, they began to market on social media. I used this as an opportunity to bring some wine on a trip, taking photos and video!

Espresso Displays
I love traveling. I love technology. So it only made sense that a portable monitor company by the name of Espresso Displays was the perfect partnership to merge my love of travel, and the necessity of tech into one. Enjoy!